To all the PiProjector owners,
I’ve started a PiProjector v1.3 support topic.
I get a fair amount of emails for support and to avoid replying to similar issues it makes a lot more sense to reply publicly. That way other people can dip in with comments and suggestions.
So, add your questions, concerns, problems, fixes here!
I have alreay posted same question on the other forum thread but I think this forum will be the best to ask this question. I am running OSMC (kodi) on my pi 3 A+ and get your board and built the same projector with yours. But the problem is the projector works perfectly with raspbian OS meanwhile not with OSMC. Guess it is related to I2C interface setup. I have modify config.txt and rc.local on OSMC via SSH but was not able to enable I2C like raspbian config setup. Could tou please advise me how I can solve this??
First off, thanks for your board, it works great and your explanations were clear. I tried it on my Pi 3 and the jumpers were too noisy. I used your pi zero board and it works great. I only had a problem with get the Pi Zero correctly orientated with respect to your board. I had it backwards.
Now on to the software, I used Rasbian 9 (stretch) and Kodi 18.0.
Kodi was installed with “apt-get install kodi”
Then the /etc/rc.local files has this line added to it to start kodi “sudo -b -u pi kodi”.
Then, I can just us my cell phone or ipad to drive “kodi”, no keyboard, mouse or remote desktop needed. For my purposes, I just power it up and have Kodi setup to access digital pictures on network driver and randomly play them under the kodi screensaver app. Hence I just power it up and let it run.
Just for an FYI, the preferred OS (at least by me) would be LibreELEC ( which has kodi installed or closely coupled to the OS.
Using LibreELECT, these are the variations to your instructions
The config.txt file in a different location.
You enable i2c by editing the config.txt file and not the raspberry configuration app.
the equivalent rc.local file is has a different name and location
However, there is NO i2cset command in LibreELEC so you are NOT able to do these commands
i2cset -y 3 0x1b 0x0c 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x13 i
i2cset -y 3 0x1b 0x0b 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 i
So if anyone knows how to get the “i2cset” feature into LibreELEC, everything should work. The reason for wanting LibreELEC, is that it Kodi users, the LibreELEC configuration is better.